Of course having good products and loyal customers is a fantastic position to be in. Unfortunately, it is never a constant state. Customers are always being pursued by your competitors, new technologies are introduced, and market interests changes with the times.

Intrepid Consulting has the experience and the industry insight to help align or redefine corporate strategy and position. Stop losing position and start regaining market share.

Intrepid Consulting has a proven track record of turning corporate fortunes. Through the course of a one year marketing and advertising campaign, Intrepid Consulting helped to triple sales for a manufacturer in the oil and gas industry.

Intrepid Consulting is more than capable of providing marketing solutions to bring an out-dated and ineffective market presence into the 21st century and beyond.

Let us work for you. If your website looks as if you haven’t made a profit in 20 years, that may be hurting you. If your literature is more likely to see the trashcan before it was ever read, that may be hurting you.

Intrepid Consulting has the experience to generate new leads and help your sales staff out gain market share. Has a competitor recently become challenging, that may be because of us. You should see what we could do for you.

Marketing Statistics

Percentage of consumers stated that using a search engine allowed them to learn something new or important that helped him/her increase his/her knowledge. 86%
Percentage of global Internet users that research products online. 61%
Percentage of online shoppers begin by using a search engine. 44%
Percentage of SEO generated leads close rate. 15%
Percentage of outbound generated leads (such as direct mail or print advertising) close rate. 2%